How to be a morning person in 2021

There's a myth out there about morning people.

It goes like this: morning people pop out of bed and are 100% motivated and ready to crush a morning routine.

Sure-there are some folks like this. They wake up and are firing on all cylinders.

But the truth is that most people who have a morning routine are NOT morning people. You are allowed to be foggy, grumpy, sluggish, and even a bit unmotivated in the morning.

The truth is that you don't have to be and feel like a morning person in order to establish a morning routine. It's time to release the guilt and internal pressure you put on yourself to "feel like doing it" before taking action for your own wellness.

Stop using the limiting belief that "I'm not a morning person"; because this limiting belief actually is stopping you from doing things like meditating, doing yoga, or taking a walk in the morning. Most days, I'm a foggy grumpy mess when I show up on the meditation cushion or yoga mat.

But I always come out of the other side with more energy, clarity, and a better mood that lasts for the day. Show up with me for some yoga in 2021.

I made a class just for you to help you over the hump in the morning.

It starts on Tuesday, January 5 We meet twice a week:

Tuesday 7:30-8 for gentle movement and meditation

Saturdays 7:30-8:20 for hatha yoga class

It works because you have me as a guide, fellow students to keep you on track, and a schedule that's doable. Oh, and at about $8 per class there is no way that you'll find a teacher with my thirty years of experience in personal practice and teaching for that price. I made the cost that low because I want you to make 2021 the year of YOU.

But don't take my word for that this class works. One of my students, "S", from the fall series had this to say, "My mind can find calm spaces, much to my surprise! I’m becoming more of a morning person, with energy. The short days with less light are not nearly as draining as I would normally expect at this time of year."

I'd love to see you on the mat. Make 2021 the year you embrace the morning.

Start with me on Tuesday January 5! Check it out here, but hurry, registration closes on January 4 at midnight ET:

Gita Brown