Build strength with yoga

Want that kind of strength that you can take to your whole life?

Develop your skill in yogic gaze: drishti. By practicing drishti learn how to coordinate the twelve muscles of your eyes to moderate your sensory input. By using these gatekeepers to your soul wisely, you can learn to become more focused and steady. Then from that place you can begin to build a resilient strength that will help you adapt easily in any situation.

Total mind-body strength is beyond muscle strength or rigid willpower: these types of strength usually deplete you in the long run and keep you stuck in behavior patterns based on fear and control. Rather, we yogis practice resilient strength. This type of strength fuels your life and helps you to serve with compassion and integrity.

In order to develop the kind of physical strength that helps you direct your vital energy—your prana—you need a few things:

  • First: a practice that coordinates your body and mind to work in harmony.

  • Second: learn how to use your eyes wisely. By practicing yoga gaze--drishti-- learn how to coordinate the twelve muscles of your eyes to moderate your sensory input. By using these gatekeepers to your soul wisely, you can learn to become more focused and steady. Then you can build resilient strength that will help you adapt easily in any situation.

  • Third, learn how to skillfully balance effort and ease so you can have strength that lasts.

  • Fourth, surround yourself with friends, family, teachers, images, food, images, and media that fuels your prana rather than depleting it.

  • Last, you need to practice techniques that help you experiment with your own resilient strength.

Most of these techniques are used during the practice of Integral Hatha Yoga.. Hatha refers to the equal balance of effort and ease, as well as a specific set of breathing, moving, resting, and concentration exercises. If you want more, then perhaps consider a live program with me:

Train with me LIVE via Zoom this summer! Morning Yoga with Gita: Summer Practice Series for Resilient Strength:

Check it out here:

Gita Brown