Meditation made Simple

Meditation can seem intimidating and difficult.

Have you ever had that feeling like ...."ooo...I wish I was that kind of person who meditates" but it seems like there's no way you could be successful?

I've heard this type of belief from many students and they've all been SO RELIEVED to find out that meditation can be simple and enjoyable. And once you get that awesome feeling of a relaxed and clear mind it will just become even easier to practice!

Learn how to debunk the myths that may stand in the way of you experiencing the benefits of mediation. Experiment with this type of meditation, mantra japa (repetition of a mantra) and see if it works for you!

If you like music, this type of meditation might fit! We'll use the repetition of a mantra to help you enjoy the relaxed process of concentration. Om Shanthi is the mantra; and it embodies the essence of peace!

Active music making, like chanting mantra, coordinates and activates all of the areas of your brain. Cognition, memory consolidation, motor planning, emotional regulation all become activated and regulated! Amazing!

AND! Active music making will help your body to entrain and match a slower pace so that your body and mind will slow down simply and naturally.

My background is Integral Yoga; so that's the framework that this lesson is based upon. There are many styles of meditation and the key is that you find something that works for you! Keep experimenting until you find a style that feels good for you.

Gita Brown