The Gita Brown Show


creating harmony in everyday life

Want a happier and more creative life? Join Gita for conversations about developing a holistic lifestyle that supports your creativity and wellness. With her trademark inspirational vibe, each episode focuses on practical tips and takeaway homework you can put right into practice.

Gita is an accomplished writer, musician and yoga teacher who has spent thirty years teaching creativity. Get inspired and create a rhythm for your life that supports your creativity and wellness.



Coming Attractions

August 8 Too Busy to workout? Time management for real life
August 15 Constantly tired and exhausted? Go ahead, be lazy
August 22 Secret Weapon to Beat Anxiety
August 29 Increase your happiness with one simple step
September 5 How to amp up musical performance
September 19 #1 Secret Weapon to Beat Burn out
October 3 Best way to increase your productivity
October 17 How to let go
October 31 Beat Performance Anxiety
November 14 Keep your brain young
November 28 What to do when you feel like a failure
December 12 Help my brain is fried