Laura Ingalls Wilder visits Three Dog Farm

Need a little dose of a good vibe? Laura Ingalls Wilder is best known for her Little House on the Prairie series; I’ve still got my originals from childhood and have read them so many times that some are beginning to fall apart! But did you know that she wrote for newspapers and magazines for decades?

Her articles have been collected and I’ve found them to be a deep source of nourishment during the pandemic. They are full full of insight, wit, wisdom, and down-home truth that feels so refreshing and uncannily relevant.

Her writing stands the test of 100 years of history and I hope you enjoy this little snippet as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you!

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farm Journalist: Writings from the Ozarks Edited by Stephen W. Hines

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Happy Reading and much love from Three Dog Farm

Gita Brown