You Matter!
Hello my lovelies!
It's still cold and frozen here in New England, but I had an amazing weekend full of love & light.
I wanted to share some of that love & light with you, to tell you that you matter! Read on...
This weekend I attended a dedication ceremony of a dear friend’s one year old child. We gathered at the gorgeous First Parish in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the oldest continuous church in New England and the site of religious freedom and faith. As we sat in the impressive space, images of the Pilgrims looked on from their Tiffany stained glass windows, and the rich hammer beam oak construction soared above our heads. One of the highlights of the service was the Candles of Joy and Concern. A little slip of a girl, no more than nine years old and with precious brown pigtails approached the microphone. She held her white taper candle proudly as she announced, “I lit this candle of joy because I’m happy my art got accepted into the art show.” At which point the assembly melted into a gushing ‘awwwww’ and spontaneous applause erupted. How lovely it is to have one’s peers acknowledge one’s place, to feel joy when we know our art has been received.
Whether your art is a drawing, writing a story or making the best darned PB&J your kids have ever eaten, it is satisfying to share our work.
Think about and acknowledge those that support you in the art of your life, and thank them. If you don’t have enough people like this, then seek them out.
Share your work, your art, we need your voice. You matter! In doing so, you will help other people to share their work, too.
Make living well your art, and share this freely. And when you’re proud of what you’ve done, light a candle and announce it to us. We’ll applaud, I promise.
Om Shanthi Om,
Peace to you,